5 Signs You Need A New Roof

5 Signs You Need A Roof Replacement

Every roof needs to be replaced at some point. There’s nothing you can really do to prevent it. Just the combination of weather and time can wear it down. Here are 5 signs you may need a roof replacement.

Yakima Roofing Contractors

  1. Check Shingles – If you shingles appear to be damaged or falling apart that’s a good sign it’s time to repair or replace your roof.
  2. Check Flashing – Flashing around vents, chimneys, that are not intact can cause leaks into your home.
  3. Look For Rot – If you see mold or can feel the roof giving in in spots thats usually an indicator that there is some rot or mold potentially making the roof sag down.
  4. Check Attic – Look into attic with a flashlight and look for stains or water dripping from the walls. This usually tells that there is some leaks occuring
  5. Review Home Records – Take a look at your home records to see when was the last time the roof was installed or serviced. Most roofs need a replacement after 20-25 years.

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