How To Know Your Roof Is Failing
Failing Roof Signs In Yakima, WA
It’s important to keep a healthy roof on your home because it’s one of the most important parts of house for keeping your family and all your personal belongings safe. Roof’s can last for 20 – 30 years but there are instances where you may need it replaced sooner. There are signs to look for that will show a failing roof. We’ll talk about that next.
Roof Shingle Issues
One quick way to know the health of of your roof is to look at the shingles. If some shingles are missing or they are bending and breaking away you’ll want to repair the section or have a new roof replacement.
Water Leaks
One clear sign of a failing roof is having water leaks into your home. If you begin noticing leaking it’s mostly likely time for a repair or replacement. If you are noticing leaks please contact a roofing contractor to examine the problem area. A roofing patch can temporarily help protect your home but overall it would be wise to consider a replacement.
What You Can Do About It
First thing that we recommend is reaching out to a roof specialist to give an inspection of your roof that way you can get a clear picture of what your needing. If you contact us at Yakima Roofing we can give you a full estimate and time frame to get your roof back to new.